Educational Series What If Lifestyle

What If You Dined At Auntie Rita’s Jamaican Cuisine Restaurant Each Day?

Okay, I did an experiment of ordering some Jamaican cuisines from a restaurant that is located in downtown Salina. Well, I decided to have my meal delivered,–if there’s no public transportation via taxi is available in my area.

Well, this restaurant isn’t McDonald’s, it isn’t Wendy’s, it isn’t Burger King, and it isn’t Taco Bell.

Although; mainstream restaurants what I’ve mentioned above are common, but we’re going to a different restaurant that is newer and different in Salina, Kansas.

What’s the point? Restaurants come in many forms and sizes. Some restaurants have arcades included, others don’t.

However; this restaurant what I received food via delivery has saved me time cooking my own meals. Typically, I only cook my own meals at home as a way to stretch my dollar.

Within this “What If” scenario; I’ll address what happens if you dine at Auntie Rita’s Jamaican Cuisine restaurant each day, or if you preferred delivery… if you are at home/work and you have no time to reach this restaurant.

What If Educational Series

What if Everyone In The United States Switched To A Japanese Cuisine?

Okay, you were familiar with American Cuisines what we eat everyday, and we’ve been taking this cuisine for granted. However; some American cuisines were criticized for having too much fat, or questionable ingredients. Although; cravings of meat, and processed foods are the known issues what we encountered everyday. However; I decided to experiment with consuming Japanese cuisine instead of American Cuisine, and find ways to fully transition to eating more Japanese food, and minimize consuming American cuisine by 90%. Why I’m doing this approach because, I usually try out experiments what I usually perform. I’ve just wondering what if we transitioned to Japanese cuisine in America.

Dream Within Educational Series

Why There Are So Many Restaurants In Our Dream World?

Okay, I usually have this dream occasionally. And according to my predictions from my dreams what I had years earlier; restaurants will go back to normal capacity,–after everybody in the United States, Japan, and Mexico were vaccinated to end this current pandemic,–just like a current situation. Well, my predictions are far from this month, but I’ll mention this later on.