Bring This Back Educational Series Lifestyle

Repurposing Your Windows PC That Only Has A Max Of 4 GB of Ram

So, you got a cheap laptop PC that runs Windows, and you have an EMMC as your only storage system,–as an oppose to an SSD can be easy to upgrade,–if you have a machine that can get its disk upgraded with greater storage.

Putting old PCs to good use can be ideal for ANY of your projects.

Educational Series Lifestyle

Chapter 0.1: The Problem What We Are Tackling

This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series Living Without Content Piracy

Once there was a village with some many people who are usually busy working, taking education, running shops and businesses, public libraries are being operated by our government, and even people who enjoy creating their own works.

Each day; the day is the same, but different.

People who go to work often have money to spend, to pay bills, feed children, or even help our ecosystem.

Content creators make money by licensing their works, and even diversifying their reach of their works,–using a public library as a priority.

Radio stations obtain licensing from musicians and podcasters to provide content for their listeners of their stations to listen to.

Local TV channels also obtain licensing from other creators to provide content to watch.

With ALL of that licensing what they chose for commercial purposes, and paying royalties to creators… everybody gets a share of their funds. TV channel and radio station owners create their own works to further diversify what they’re offering.

Others obtain licensing from these creators.

However; some people chose to go open-source as a way to reduce costs, and broaden their audience.

What If

What If Consumers Quit Content Piracy?

Although; some BIG media, game, tech, and other types of companies don’t understand! Even being creative can be a thing to make money, but lack of common sense has resulted to piracy without actually knowing it! Well, what if consumers quit content piracy? If they did, something good may happen someday.

If you’ve quit content piracy, and you decided to make a difference for our creative world… you are making a right choice.

So, get yourself back to employment via any job what you want to choose, save up some money, plan to visit a public library because… we’re going to get ready to find out what if consumers quit content piracy in reality!

Environmental Issues Lifestyle

Living Without Natural Gas Isn’t Just Going To Be Fun, But You Need A Contingency Plan!

If you live in a big city like New York City; its time to live without natural gas, and rethink about our planet. However; cooking with gas doesn’t always mean better! We haven’t use common sense to understand the risks of cooking with gas, and other activities what we do with gas. With the rise of electric appliances that are replacing gas appliances… switching to electric appliances has a key role to make gas appliances obsolete. However; some skilled chefs may argue why cooking with gas is a key to control the heat. However; induction cooking has a power to cook food without any fallout via gas, or an expose heating element. Gas usage has also been associated with destruction of rain forests, meadows, small farms, and even our environment.

Family Issues Educational Series Poverty & Wealth

Can A Poor Family Develop Talents Like Writing Books

Some poor families do have talents, but they kept hesitating ways to make some dollars when they put their talents to work.

With all of some people put themselves at work by writing books, or posting on websites and share their stories… they often monetize their works. However; with the rise of using payment platforms, people rely on them as a way to get tips or donations from their readers/viewers.

Educational Series What If Lifestyle

What If You Dined At Auntie Rita’s Jamaican Cuisine Restaurant Each Day?

Okay, I did an experiment of ordering some Jamaican cuisines from a restaurant that is located in downtown Salina. Well, I decided to have my meal delivered,–if there’s no public transportation via taxi is available in my area.

Well, this restaurant isn’t McDonald’s, it isn’t Wendy’s, it isn’t Burger King, and it isn’t Taco Bell.

Although; mainstream restaurants what I’ve mentioned above are common, but we’re going to a different restaurant that is newer and different in Salina, Kansas.

What’s the point? Restaurants come in many forms and sizes. Some restaurants have arcades included, others don’t.

However; this restaurant what I received food via delivery has saved me time cooking my own meals. Typically, I only cook my own meals at home as a way to stretch my dollar.

Within this “What If” scenario; I’ll address what happens if you dine at Auntie Rita’s Jamaican Cuisine restaurant each day, or if you preferred delivery… if you are at home/work and you have no time to reach this restaurant.

Educational Series

If World’s Whitest Paint Is Available… Consider Using It For Your Buildings

With buildings with red bricks being common around the world, white paint like this should help us mitigate costs of cooling our homes. Also, this paint can make our buildings visible at night. This is the future of our buildings in the year, 2030; after USA and Japan rely on this new kind of paint. However; this kind of paint can also help deflect sun back to space.

Environmental Issues Causes Community Issues Educational Series

Looks Like Its Time To Ditch Asphalt Roofing For Green Roofing & Solar Panels And Blue Roofing

Everyday, new structures traditional rely on asphalt roofing. However; asphalt roofing does NOT keep your home or building cool during hot days. The heat island effect is causing our cities to be hotter than you thought! Green roofing at the other hand does an opposite. It actually keeps your home cooler during the hot days, and warmer during the cold days,–as long as your green roofing has proper drainage. Traditional guttering is NOT enough for green roofing because, they’re susceptible to be clogged by natural debris. Plastic guttering for green roofing is out of this question too!

If you were having a new building built, you can always request to have a green roof integrated as a way to help mitigate heating and cooling costs,–even if you prefer retro-style heating with steam radiators and boilers. However; a building with green roofing requies more strength than you thought, green roofing for buildings are expensive, but they can pay for themselves overtime, and even you can play on green roofing,–as long as safety fencing are installed along the perimeter of a building itself (7 fet high at least for the best experience).

Educational Series Environmental Issues What If Pets & Animals

What If Pleistocene Park Has More Animals?

Although; bringing back these animals to these places where they once roam is key to help reduce warming up our planet. Although; bringing back these animals is important because, we need these animals to keep the frozen ground in check. Despite having a successful campaign to add more animals to their park in Russia, this is key for these animals to be introduced, and establish themselves overtime. Well, having at least 2000 deer will be a possible number what I am predicting when plans are successful. However; having bison, horses, and muskoxen are also important. Typically, few animals is a typical start, and it may take years for established numbers to grow. It may also take time for Pleistocene Park to have more animals to emulate pleistocene conditions. Well, we are also from a pleistocene era, and we must reconsider cooling down our planet,and reduce air pollution.

Environmental Issues What If Educational Series

What If All People Rode A Subway?

Although; people who take underground subway trains often travel places without needing to own a car. In NYC; taking an underground subway is key to help reduce cars off the road. Everyday; people in New York drive cars and vans to go places. However; driving your vehicle is only used for professional uses like taxi services, and other business use like delivering hot goods. Typically, driving your own car as a personal form of transportation is risky than taking an underground subway. If you live without a car, and you rely on trains like a subway to go places; most likely you are helping to help reduce cars off the road.