Causes Corporate Accountability Tech Issues

Google Being Forced To Sell Chrome? You May Need To Migrate For Now

Okay, Google has lost its case with the DOJ (Department Of Justice), for being such a monopolist. Well, you as a customer needs to prepare for the worst of the worst as Google loses their intellectual property, and that’s right!! Google will be losing their Chrome browser for good.

Well, you don’t need to use Google Search for everyday use, just like I usually use each day. Typically, I use Firefox as my default driver for internet browsing, and I normally use this browser for productivity as an oppose to Chrome.

If you are a Firefox user like I am, and you are NOT using Chrome… you don’t need to take any action. However; if you use Chrome occasionally, just like I do; a possibility of Chrome being sold is on its way, and I’ll show you how to completely migrate from Chrome to Firefox. I am also going to cover other topics on this post. It’s not just ditching YouTube, Google Drive, Blogger, and other Google products what we use everyday.

Poverty & Wealth Consumer Issues

Why Changing Your Spending Habits Is Important?

So, you chose to have employment over defrauding welfare programs,–the same loophole that was left open for anyone to exploit. However; without a job, you won’t have any money to spend for essentials like food, housing, clothing, transportation (public transportation only), etc. Well, I am experimenting on changing my financial habits, but sometimes it won’t always go to plan. Most people who are poor often fall into these financial traps that are scattered everywhere, that can range from your parents who refused to have normal employment… to subscribing to unnecessary cable TV services that can further drain your finances. Also, the poor gets less money, and the rich gains more money. This balance is like this for years. Well, breaking out of these bad habits can take some time.

Causes Corporate Accountability Tech Issues

If You Were Using Microsoft Windows… Switch To Either Linux Or FreeDOS Immediately!

If you think Microsoft Windows is a great OS, without needing to type these expensive commands on your computer. However; Windows 11 has been set to take screenshots each time as you use your PC,–taking up disk space. Currently, I shut off my Windows PC as a way to reduce the burden of having this experience. Well, the point of having a GUI is to make it easier for a typical person who never owned a computer before. However; some people choose to type commands over using a GUI.

With all of these privacy evading practices found within Windows 11; this is a serious madness when you are about to power on your computer.

Lifestyle Pets & Animals

If You Like Riding Animals… Never Use Cruel Methods Of Training! Do This Instead

What’s the point about riding animals? The good news is: Riding animals helped us travel further, and avoid hazards on the ground, and save time as we travel. Also, riding animals can be a fun activity to do,–as long as you use positive reinforcement training. The less painful training methods; the better!

Although; some animal advocates has brought these cruel trainers to light, revealing the actual truth of how animals are trained for riding, in some cases; an elephant can intentionally eject a cruel mahout to get out of misery and escape.

If you were concerned about animal welfare at fairgrounds; new policies needed to be implemented to keep cruel trainers at bay. And remember: Church is no excuse for cruelty to animals. No person via any faith is above the law!

Poverty & Wealth Family Issues Educational Series

Can A Poor Family Develop Talents Like Writing Books

Some poor families do have talents, but they kept hesitating ways to make some dollars when they put their talents to work.

With all of some people put themselves at work by writing books, or posting on websites and share their stories… they often monetize their works. However; with the rise of using payment platforms, people rely on them as a way to get tips or donations from their readers/viewers.

Causes Consumer Issues Corporate Accountability

If You Were Buying A New Computer Or Receiving A Previously-Owned Machine… You Need To Remove Windows

Untold; unsold computers with previous versions of Windows are discarded at landfills,–causing electronic waste to rise. However; helping to ditch Microsoft Windows is key to help reduce electronic waste.

Everyday, new computers being advertised with new versions of Windows has caused older machines to be end up on a huge pile of unsold items,–causing these machines to be wasted. With all of that price gouging that is illegal,and harmful effects of discarded PCs… these people who buy computers just only set them, and forget other things what you can do with these computers.

Causes Community Issues Consumer Issues

Tired Of Disney? Here’s How To Correctly Boycott Disney

Racism, greed, financial misconduct, deception, evasion of taxes, lack of diversity, unnecessary buying of independent businesses, NOT freeing Mickey Mouse from their “copyright prison” for a long time, discrimination, bigotry, destruction of ecosystem, exploiting loopholes, and taking of public funds that are provided by tax-paying citizens like you. This is a permanent standard of Disney!

If you were recently subscribed to Disney+, or any other streaming services owned by Disney, its time to put the breaks on, and stop supporting this company. And you also need to purge all Disney products what you currently have in your household.

Causes Community Issues Educational Series Environmental Issues

Looks Like Its Time To Ditch Asphalt Roofing For Green Roofing & Solar Panels And Blue Roofing

Everyday, new structures traditional rely on asphalt roofing. However; asphalt roofing does NOT keep your home or building cool during hot days. The heat island effect is causing our cities to be hotter than you thought! Green roofing at the other hand does an opposite. It actually keeps your home cooler during the hot days, and warmer during the cold days,–as long as your green roofing has proper drainage. Traditional guttering is NOT enough for green roofing because, they’re susceptible to be clogged by natural debris. Plastic guttering for green roofing is out of this question too!

If you were having a new building built, you can always request to have a green roof integrated as a way to help mitigate heating and cooling costs,–even if you prefer retro-style heating with steam radiators and boilers. However; a building with green roofing requies more strength than you thought, green roofing for buildings are expensive, but they can pay for themselves overtime, and even you can play on green roofing,–as long as safety fencing are installed along the perimeter of a building itself (7 fet high at least for the best experience).

Educational Series Environmental Issues What If Pets & Animals

What If Pleistocene Park Has More Animals?

Although; bringing back these animals to these places where they once roam is key to help reduce warming up our planet. Although; bringing back these animals is important because, we need these animals to keep the frozen ground in check. Despite having a successful campaign to add more animals to their park in Russia, this is key for these animals to be introduced, and establish themselves overtime. Well, having at least 2000 deer will be a possible number what I am predicting when plans are successful. However; having bison, horses, and muskoxen are also important. Typically, few animals is a typical start, and it may take years for established numbers to grow. It may also take time for Pleistocene Park to have more animals to emulate pleistocene conditions. Well, we are also from a pleistocene era, and we must reconsider cooling down our planet,and reduce air pollution.

Educational Series Causes Community Issues Lifestyle

Being Too Old For an Easter Egg Hunt & An Easter Bunny Is No Excuse!

If someone says “you are too old for Easter bunnies, or Easter Egg hunts”… don’t let them force you into this situation. Despite us who have previous persons who have a longest life over125 years or older… we need to rethink about our age, and growing up,–and help eliminate this practice of systematic agism during each Easter via each year.