Bring This Back Educational Series Lifestyle

Repurposing Your Windows PC That Only Has A Max Of 4 GB of Ram

So, you got a cheap laptop PC that runs Windows, and you have an EMMC as your only storage system,–as an oppose to an SSD can be easy to upgrade,–if you have a machine that can get its disk upgraded with greater storage.

Putting old PCs to good use can be ideal for ANY of your projects.

Bring This Back

Reduce TV Time At 17:30 to 20:00 And Encourage Your Children To Read Books

Everyday, children watch TV after they arrived from school, and they finished homework before turning their TV on. Children watch TV as a way to be entertained. Content-providers deliver content to them as a way to supply content to kids, but there are issues with children not learning new things!

Tipically, reading books is one way for children to be entertained without TV. If you are a parent who allow children to watch TV after their homework time, you may need to reschedule when TV will be off for some time. Having your TV turned off on a regular basis can help offset power usage, and help offset your TV’s long working hours. If you have your TV shut off on a regular basis, your set may last for a long time, and you have to unplug it on a regular basis to help reduce energy bills.