What If Educational Series

What if Everyone In The United States Switched To A Japanese Cuisine?

Okay, you were familiar with American Cuisines what we eat everyday, and we’ve been taking this cuisine for granted. However; some American cuisines were criticized for having too much fat, or questionable ingredients. Although; cravings of meat, and processed foods are the known issues what we encountered everyday. However; I decided to experiment with consuming Japanese cuisine instead of American Cuisine, and find ways to fully transition to eating more Japanese food, and minimize consuming American cuisine by 90%. Why I’m doing this approach because, I usually try out experiments what I usually perform. I’ve just wondering what if we transitioned to Japanese cuisine in America.


You woke up this morning; and you decided to go to work, or take surveys as a way to have enough money in your pocket. You usually eat your typical lunch what you’ve packed in your bag to save some money.

You were about to go outside to take a bus to go places. You were about to go to work, and you begin to shred paper and perform recycling. You do just usual commute to work each day, and you saved enough money into your bank account as a way to help build your financial cushion.

However; during lunch; you had a sandwich… like PBJ, and some of your employees has already transitioned to a Japanese cuisine. Well, your employer has already upgraded to a new cuisine. And you were just wondering why your place where you currently work has swaped cuisines for some reason.

After work, you arrived home to count your cash what you’ve just saved. You saved at least $400 in your savings as a way to help grow your financial stability. You decided to use some of your earned money to pay for a new cuisine. You are lucky to have your remainders of your favorite American cuisine what you can fall back to… if conditions are met. You were sick of PBJ and you wanted real food to eat. Well, I’m sick of PBJ too! A PBJ sandwich is not a true meal to eat, and it isn’t a true lunch, snack, or dinner. A true lunch or dinner has real food what you can eat. For this instance; you are eating pasta with vegetables with shrimp… this is just an example. You must save lots of money. Fortunately, you decided to give it a shot.

You ordered Japanese from your favorite restaurant. You wait for your dinner to arrive, and you prepare your table for your next meal to eat. You were about to experience the best way to eat more real food than a cheap PBJ sandwich. You begin to turn on your TV and view Japanese anime as you wait for your meal to come. You brew your cup of tea, and you begin to purge all of your fruit drink packages and donated them to your neighbor who isn’t upgrading to a Japanese cuisine… he prefers American cuisine because, that’s his favorite kind of cuisine. You dashed back to your apartment or house to catch your meal arriving via tram.

You wait for your food to arrive at your door.

Your food is delivered, and you are greeted with a person with your food what you’ve ordered.

You open up your products, and you begin to eat. You enjoy anime, and you drink your cup of tea. You can see your cabinets that are now left with dry food items what you used to fall back to. However; your range is not on, and you begin to think like you were in Japan, and you got an idea to keep it this way at your home. Unfortunately, your favorite American foods what you grew up with may be missing from your freezer. But you can still do this transition.

You begin to bring your seaweed salad with you as you get ready to work, and you stored your lunch in your freezer. You work each day, and you repeat eating seaweed salad daily, and you do your usual work.

You repeat your eating Japanese food at home, and you repeat viewing Japanese content. You can see how much tea what you’re drinking overtime. You replaced your pop with tea as a way to help reduce your weight. With all of your vegetables. Your neighbor who lives next to you replaces a light over his door to keep his place lit each night. However; your dining at home has caused you to make less trips to a grocery store. Well, your ability to choose better food has caused some food industries to experience financial issues. Well, your ability to replace these food items has caused you to support a different industry.

Almost everybody has joined this transition, and obesity rate begins to go down. This is a good thing, and this is a transition as people begin to reclaim thinner and slimmer builds, and purge all of these processed foods that are common the USA.

This transition has also caused us to use different ways to distribute food items in the united states. Meats that are considered dirty like rabbit meat begins to go obsolete, that is a good news for rabbit owners who condemn ingesting rabbit as cruel and unhealthy. Steak restaurants begin to adapt to transitions. Well, there’s already Japanese steakhouses out there!

This transition has caused a hiccup to common restaurants what we rely on. Burger restaurants may experience this difficulty. However; people who aren’t ready to transition to a Japanese cuisine can still rely on them,–if they want to.

Sushi restaurants begin to flood our restaurant industry.

Grocery stores begin to experience a serious change. For this instance; less sales of junkfood, and higher sales of real foods.

School lunches are now healthy than they used to be.

More farmers grow more crops.

Farmers farming less animals for meat.

This transition has caused parts of America to reshape our way we eat.

Tofu sales rise. If you never eat tofu before; I encourage you to try it out. Tofu has more protein than beef or fish.

Foie gras sales crash down. If this happens, that will make a difference for ducks and geese who were caged for production of this product.

Rice intake rises. If this happens; that’s more than enough for us to take up more grains what we used to.

What Is Like To Eat Japanese Cuisine Each Day?

Typically, Japanese cuisine contains a diversed amounts of vegetables, grains, fruit, fish/seafood, and meat. For this instance; if you can’t eat meat; but you can eat fish and seafood; you can eat sushi with tofu, udon, and even some vegetables what you’ve never eaten before! Usually, Japanese food has fresher food because, less processed foods are key for eating right in Japan. That’s why you don’t see people consuming too many sweets in Japan.

If you never eaten Japanese cuisine before; you can visit a restaurant to get the experience. However; Japanese dining is different than American dining.

The Real Things That Will Happen

If Americans in the United States Of America switch to a Japanese cuisine, such as reducing intake of dairy and meat, Americans will begin to take in more vegetables, fish, soybeans, and even tofu. If it happens tomorrow; that can reshape how we eat on a regular basis, and even reshape how we prepare our meals. As a prospective; consuming sushi will be a new normal, and sales of udon noodles may skyrocket, and fisheries may generate more jobs, and implement artificial reef systems to implement sustainable seafood. However; United states will be less dependent on beef, chicken, pork, rabbit meat, opossum, bison, elk, duck, turkey, pheasant, quail, goose, alligator, crocodile, snake, frog, deer, and even moose! Fish dependency rises, ant require more artificial reef systems to be built as a way to increase fish populations and prevent overfishing. These artificial reef systems may also introduce more coral as a way to enable other marine life to thrive. It takes the entire USA population to implement a strategically-built artificial reef via specialized bricks as a way to ensure we have fish to eat for years to come. Jobs for building artificial reef systems may skyrocket, and efforts to build super reef systems as a way to add a buffer to fish population. If you surround the entire USA with a 25 km wide artificial reef system; that’s more than enough to house more fish of various species. It will take years for an artificial reef like this to house millions of fish each day. That will also enable sharks to feast on fish what we eat each day.

Sales of these land-based meats what we’re eating may go down, on the plus side; less of these land-based animals are slaughtered for meat, and these farms where animals raised for meat may someday disappear. As a prospective; farmers may consider replanting trees to give back to nature, and implement smaller farms as a reserve for American cuisines that require them, and these cuisines may be remarketed towards tourists. Also countless land will be saved, and more trees will be planted as a way to restore oxygen levels. Typically, cattle farms will shrink by 99.9%; and these farms will go bankrupt. If you were dependent on beef, chicken or pork… what is your struggle, if people switched to a Japanese cuisine without these land-based meats?

If you replaced beef with tofu, and you do this trick each day. That’s more than enough to knock a cattle farm out of business, and sales of beef may someday be out of the picture. Well, consuming red meats may fall, and slaughterhouses may be left empty, and some American restaurants like McDonald’s Wendy’s Burger King, Taco Bell, Sonic, and other restaurants may either experience meat shortages, or adapt to a Japanese format.

On the plus side; all of us will be healthy, and all of us will be living longer. However; us will be having enough trees to be planted each day, and these farms what we grew up seeing will be smaller, and fisheries will be making more money by setting up sustainable form of fish at sea, and implement other artificial reef systems as a way to restore our environment. Not just trees being replanted to fill up abandon cattle farms; land will be restored to a natural state, and we will have more of fresh air what we can breathe. As a prospective; that erases over millions of domestic cattle from our planet (applies to the USA). Also Pollution from cattle farms will be reduced by 89%. That is more than enough to reduce these gases that are coming from cattle farms.

Pig farms will go bankrupt.
Chicken farms may go bankrupt, but that applies to meat-based chicken farms.
All of that shrinking of these farms where land-based meats are raised begin to fade.

Rice intake rises. When rice intake rises, that is more than enough for us to have better control of eating our food, and even consume more plant matter.

Tofu becomes a dependent source of protein over beef. That is more then enough to wipe all beef farm from the USA.

Real food may be a top choice.

More Japanese restaurants may appear, and generate more jobs,–alongside other Asian restaurants. Other restaurants may combine their existing cuisines via a fuion cuisine, and keep other cuisines intact with adaptations.

Aging slows down when more tea is consumed.

Dairy sales fall.

Seaweed intake rises.

Soy intake rises.

With all of that switching to this cuisine. That also enabled us to rethink about our food sources.

PBJ sandwiches will become a thing of a past.

Asian markets may generate more jobs.

How It Will Effect You?

If you were dependent on land-based meat; and you experience this struggle; you may end up finding other markets where meats are sold, and you may be out of luck. Here are the following examples:

  • Conventional beef may be obsolete
  • Conventional chicken products may go obsolete
  • Pork products may go obsolete
  • Seafood may be an only option
  • Aroma of fish and seafood may rise

Your ability to eat these land-based meats may be effected.

You may be end up with these choices when Japanese cuisines are a majority by at least 75%.

If you discovered your favorite American cuisines has faded; you are end up with other choices that are available.

It may be a shock to your current diet. If this the case; speak with your professional about what to do when switching to a Japanese diet is necessary.

What To Do If You Want To Prepare For This Transition To A Japanese Cuisine?

Before consuming Japanese as your primary choice when you switch over. Always do research. This is important as you prepare for a transition.

Find A Japanese Restaurant In Your Area

Find a Japanese restaurant where they serve Japanese cuisines. Be sure to find a restaurant that has a better method of preparing sushi, and other dishes. If you are NOT sure if consuming sushi is safe for you, speak to your health professional before you eat sushi. If your immune system is not capable, you may need to consider consuming cooked sushi, or other cooked dishes.

If you are just getting started with eating Japanese cuisines, be sure to take your time when eating your food. Don’t just eat all of your food in just one sitting. Twenty minutes of breaks between eating is key to fully fill your belly with timed eating sequence. In Japan; eating slow is key. Smaller portions are important to control how much you are eating.
Be sure to study how people in Japan eat. It takes time to emulate Japanese table manners. You will get used to it overtime.

If you can’t eat seafood, or fish; speak to a waiter/waitress about making special orders. Allergies to seafood and fish is common in the United States of America and other countries.

Try drinking more tea over soft drinks. This is key for you to start with this transition. Well, I am working on this experiment as a way to help myself save some money, and even reduce sugar intake.

Rework Your Shopping List

Try skip purchasing snack cakes, and other sweets for your snack cabinet. Snacking less is key to saving money. Try retaining enough money for future use.

Review your food items in your freezer with your children, and speak to them about transitioning to a Japanese cuisine, and other Asian cuisines as a long term transition. Be sure to enable your children to watch Japanese anime like Pokemon to get them examples of people who consume Japanese cuisines, or other Japanese culture.

Remove all loaves of bread, or consume it via a planned phase out.

Stop purchasing jars of peanut butter, jelly, hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken products, beef products, and other land-based meat products. Tired of “bland” food? Take your time to transition.

Try consuming fish on a daily basis to prime transition to a Japanese cuisine. You can swap over to Chinese… if you want to. If you are a pescatarian, you are already leaving land-based meats off your plate.

If you have breakfast cereal; consume it on a daily basis,–until you have room for items for making a Japanese breakfast.

If you already transitioned

If you’ve already transitioned; be sure to periodically implement a list to do other things when keeping your preference to a Japanese cuisine current and consistant.

You may need to implement a fallback cuisine when possible. For example; Chinese, Thai, or any cuisine what you prefer.

Always choose sustainable options when choosing sushi to eat.

Don’t forget to study more about Japanese cuisines. There is a possibility to make your own Japanese cuisine at home.
If you were a person who prefers Americana, be sure to have a backup of your favorite cuisines.

Use this video below to help you get familiar with making your own Japanese cuisine at home

By Fairy-Rider

Part of Fairies Dreams & Fantasy staff

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