
Are Text-Adventure Games Really Coming Back To Life? Yes They Are In My Opinion!

Recently, I stumbled upon these videos on YouTube, focusing on text-adventure games what you can develop from scratch. These text-based games don’t rely on extreme graphics because, it relies on your imagination to process graphics. During the earlier times of gaming, text-based games are popular, and you interact with these games by typing a command at the terminal. This is common for some games that are only written in batch scripts, and C++ languages, now we can write text-based games in html, and javascript… that enable us to publish online games with our servers, This is important for some developers who wanted to monetize their games, and keep going with their development.

Since text-based games don’t rely on graphics that are so intense, you read text on your display. One major drawback is; your games like these can take lots of time to develop for your gaming community.