Dream Within Educational Series

Why There Are So Many Restaurants In Our Dream World?

Okay, I usually have this dream occasionally. And according to my predictions from my dreams what I had years earlier; restaurants will go back to normal capacity,–after everybody in the United States, Japan, and Mexico were vaccinated to end this current pandemic,–just like a current situation. Well, my predictions are far from this month, but I’ll mention this later on.

Restaurants In Our Dream World Overview

If you recently dined at any restaurant like McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King, Olive Garden, Momoya Ramen & Sushi, V’s Italian Restaurant, or any restaurant; your brain works like a secret recording device. Typically, dining at any of these restaurants can enable your upcoming dreams to form as you sleep after a night at your favorite place to dine. Dining at restaurants are common around the world, our dream world has so many restaurants without actually knowing it! For this instance; you dined at this restaurant that is located underground. This underground restaurant uses a redundant revenue stream, such as food delivery to keep this restaurant from going out of business. If a pademic of any kind hits; and restaurants are empty of customers, but receiving delivering contactless delivery for customers… they usually bump up measures to prevent infection. Most customers aren’t stuffed like sardines like most restaurants what we know today.

Conventional restaurants build like normal buildings, or integrated with buildings with an easy access to a street always have delivery options as a way to ease a financial load. They use trucks to deliver meals in bulk in just one shot. Most of these large trucks are modified coach buses that are built for this application. They always have at least one underground restaurant that is designed for people who take trains underground, or normal customers.

If you dine at any of these restaurants; you get more space and comfort. However; for some restaurants; you ride on animal or character type rides that you ride and wait for your food to be served, for example; you ride on a large ride-on pink hare, or an anthropomorphic dog who is a fairy. Although; these restaurants use a Japanese method of dining, and keeping dirty shoes at bay,–just like Japan does.

Arcades will be packed with players who wait for their meals to be served; that also enables them to get revenue easily, and retain more customers like usual. However; ride-on animals in arcades will be enlarged for adults in the year, 2022 for the real world.

The Underground Restaurant

Although; our dream world has encouraged us to take underground trains as a way to travel inside this city, and take streetcars and buses. With a sudden fall of an underground train system being installed; our dream world has implemented a mandatory install of a restaurant as a way to enable our underground subway to rely on a redundant source of revenue. However; this restaurant was only available for citizens of our dream world. Usually, people often eat breakfast before working. With this restaurant; that made it easier for these citizens who often work, and go places. However; this restaurant didn’t reach mainstream markets in our dream world because, they’re familiar with restaurants that are above the ground. It only has a reach of 22% when people rely on an underground subway.

As an underground subway tries to regain riders; people parked their cars to eat at this underground restaurant. That caused some people to park their vehicles, and dine at this restaurant. However; they must head to work,–after dining. Since cars take more time to go places, and more fuel to spend; they start taking an underground subway to rush to work. With this restaurant running underground; that caused them to take trains even more. However; these cars parked at this street has caused these vehicles to stay parked for a long time, and people must pick them up, and bring their cars back home.

Each day, an underground subway receives more revenue, and begins to recover from a serious debt. However; that caused the auto industry of our dream world to fall into debt. This underground restaurant worked like a place to dine before taking a train.

As an underground subway has recovered from a serious debt… more people take trains to go places. That also caused pollution levels to crash down by 99.9%; this proper action of saving our environment has caused CO2 levels to go down.

Today, this underground restaurant in our dream world cherning out millions of meals a day,–thanks to a large kitchen that is strategic to handle chefs who cook for us.

What’s Inside

There are tables with tatamis,–like a Japanese restaurant with true Japanese meals. This restaurant has series of higher tables for people who wanted to dine on high tables. A kitchen is built to handle the heat. It has serious venting to vent out heat by 99.9%. However; this facility can handle over 4000 customers that AREN’T crammed like sardines. These tables are designed this way because, they rely on ways to serve customers in bulk. Usually deliver options are used when people order lunch or dinner. Deliver options has reduced costs of maintaining a dining area of this restaurant.

Prediction For Real World

By June, 2021; underground restaurants will be integrated in the New York City Subway to help recover from rider loss, and make it easier for anyone to take trains after lunch or dinner. That will also attract more visitors who visit New York City.

Takeout Restaurants Overview

These are restaurants without dining facilities, and they’re useful for delivering food to customers around the city. They’re usually found in some parts of our dream world where establishing a full restaurant isn’t possible. As a prospective; 4 restaurants of each kind can make it easier for people to get food delivered to homes as a way to dine at home. Most of our dremers in our dream world own at least 1 restaurant. These restaurants what we rely on in the real world enable us to explore other tasts of food, or try out new cuisines. Although; they don’t need to have customers dining there because, these chefs usually cook food like usual, and maintain the kitchen. It can be large like a normal restaurant.

Prediction For Real wWorld

In the real world; these takeout restaurants will be easy to find in a small or large city, and they will be taking up space for stores that are empty. Although; these restaurants like these are small in size; they can be longside other restaurants, making it an outdoor sall for people who choose a place to order a takeout. An upstairs section of a restaurant will have these facilities like this. They will be implemented everywhere in the United States in 2022

In the year, 2022; Olive Garden, Red Lobster, Momoys Ramen & Sushi, and other restaurants in Kansas will implement 4-story restaurants to serve more customers to attract visitors from around the world.

In 2024′ after a pademic fully ended; restaurants will partner with other restaurants as a way to reduce costs, or establish a dedicated mall that is dedicated for restaurants.

In 2025; all types of restaurants will be listed on an EatStreet website or app.

Mega eateries In Our Dream World Overview

Mega eateries are quite popular in our dream because, restaurants are the main drivers for our economy for our dream world. And they will never stop growing. Most of these houses where we usually live in our dream has an integrated restaurant without actually knowing it. Mega restaurants in our dream world has been trending. These eateries has caused our dream world to feed over 500,000 dreamers each day. It takes 1000 chefs to handle this load, and it takes an additional 5000 cooks to handle this load. It made so many jobs!

Prediction For Real World

This format of a mega eatery will be a new concept to handle lots of customers in the year, 2028.

Why There Are So Many Restaurants

With ways to grow their own food in gardens, and relying on green roofing as a way to grow food… these restaurants has been relying on self-sustaining sources as a way to help our dream world avoid famon of any kind, this powerful move has caused our dream world to implement ways to keep famon at bay. They also donated money to reduce hunger by 99.9%. Alth; these restaurants has so many people visiting there each day. That caused demands to go up, and they must find ways to handle this load. Most of our dream world. rely on hacks to save money, and pay more for items when necessary. This endless growth of wealth has caused our dream world to reduce poverty by 80%;–leaving 20% of people in poverty remaining. However; this percentage may change, and more jobs will cause poverty levels to go down.

Since these establishments has managed to handle that much money; they must find ways to reduce prices of food items.

Restaurants in our dream world are important to reduce cooking time at home, and most people cook food for other people in our dream world. That’s why many of these houses have dedicated dining facilities for guests.

Reducing hunger is key for our dream world to live longer, and last longer.

By the next time you have a dream of going to a restaurant; you are visiting these places that are based-on where you recently dined in the real world.

By Fairy-Rider

Part of Fairies Dreams & Fantasy staff

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