Educational Series Lifestyle

Chapter 0.1: The Problem What We Are Tackling

This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series Living Without Content Piracy

Once there was a village with some many people who are usually busy working, taking education, running shops and businesses, public libraries are being operated by our government, and even people who enjoy creating their own works.

Each day; the day is the same, but different.

People who go to work often have money to spend, to pay bills, feed children, or even help our ecosystem.

Content creators make money by licensing their works, and even diversifying their reach of their works,–using a public library as a priority.

Radio stations obtain licensing from musicians and podcasters to provide content for their listeners of their stations to listen to.

Local TV channels also obtain licensing from other creators to provide content to watch.

With ALL of that licensing what they chose for commercial purposes, and paying royalties to creators… everybody gets a share of their funds. TV channel and radio station owners create their own works to further diversify what they’re offering.

Others obtain licensing from these creators.

However; some people chose to go open-source as a way to reduce costs, and broaden their audience.

Consumer Issues Poverty & Wealth

Why Changing Your Spending Habits Is Important?

So, you chose to have employment over defrauding welfare programs,–the same loophole that was left open for anyone to exploit. However; without a job, you won’t have any money to spend for essentials like food, housing, clothing, transportation (public transportation only), etc. Well, I am experimenting on changing my financial habits, but sometimes it won’t always go to plan. Most people who are poor often fall into these financial traps that are scattered everywhere, that can range from your parents who refused to have normal employment… to subscribing to unnecessary cable TV services that can further drain your finances. Also, the poor gets less money, and the rich gains more money. This balance is like this for years. Well, breaking out of these bad habits can take some time.