Educational Series Environmental Issues Causes Community Issues

Looks Like Its Time To Ditch Asphalt Roofing For Green Roofing & Solar Panels And Blue Roofing

Everyday, new structures traditional rely on asphalt roofing. However; asphalt roofing does NOT keep your home or building cool during hot days. The heat island effect is causing our cities to be hotter than you thought! Green roofing at the other hand does an opposite. It actually keeps your home cooler during the hot days, and warmer during the cold days,–as long as your green roofing has proper drainage. Traditional guttering is NOT enough for green roofing because, they’re susceptible to be clogged by natural debris. Plastic guttering for green roofing is out of this question too!

If you were having a new building built, you can always request to have a green roof integrated as a way to help mitigate heating and cooling costs,–even if you prefer retro-style heating with steam radiators and boilers. However; a building with green roofing requies more strength than you thought, green roofing for buildings are expensive, but they can pay for themselves overtime, and even you can play on green roofing,–as long as safety fencing are installed along the perimeter of a building itself (7 fet high at least for the best experience).

Educational Series Environmental Issues What If

What If All People Rode A Subway?

Although; people who take underground subway trains often travel places without needing to own a car. In NYC; taking an underground subway is key to help reduce cars off the road. Everyday; people in New York drive cars and vans to go places. However; driving your vehicle is only used for professional uses like taxi services, and other business use like delivering hot goods. Typically, driving your own car as a personal form of transportation is risky than taking an underground subway. If you live without a car, and you rely on trains like a subway to go places; most likely you are helping to help reduce cars off the road.