Educational Series

If World’s Whitest Paint Is Available… Consider Using It For Your Buildings

With buildings with red bricks being common around the world, white paint like this should help us mitigate costs of cooling our homes. Also, this paint can make our buildings visible at night. This is the future of our buildings in the year, 2030; after USA and Japan rely on this new kind of paint. However; this kind of paint can also help deflect sun back to space.

Top 20

Top 20 Reasons You Should Stop Supporting the Coal Industry

Everyday, we mine for coal, but most of these environmental activists has condemned this practice because, coal-burning plants are known sources of pollution around the world. You heard of these coal mine fires that weren’t put out,–after an event of an accident and closure… Some people has tried to trick people to choose coal that is clean to use, but most coal-burning power plants are dirty in nature.

Within this article; here are the top 20 reasons why you should NEVER support the coal industry.