Top 20

top 20 Reasons to Switch From Blogger to WordPress

You used Blogger for a long time, but you discovered some other blogs wrongfully deleted by Blogger,–owned by Google Inc. And you were screwed by Google’s flaws! But don’t worry… there are 20 reasons you should make a switch to WordPress today.

20: You’re the Boss of Your Own Content!

That applies to self-hosted WordPress. You have full control with your content, you don’t need to worry about automated deletion of your blog/site. Although; Blogger’s content policy is kind of outdated, and vague! And its not helping at all,–The Real Blogger Status… at the other hand… written by a power Blogger-user has been studying spam for the past years. Writing about these common flaws on Blogger. That ranges from restrictions on monetizing erotic content,–infringing the webmasters’ right to monetize content that is erotic or not. That can cause these webmasters to install paywalls on their WordPress sites as a method to monetize content,–without needing to use traditional ad networks. However’ they set their erotic content as premium content for members who wanted to view erotic content. Pornstars are the known celebrities via this erotic category has their right to monetize content being infringed by search engine giants. And publish erotic content. Their sites with ads implemented were being deleted by Blogger,–silencing them, and violating freedom of speech found via the US constitution.

Blogger blogs with strategically implemented affiliate links with a rel=”nofollow” tags and a disclosure policy pages were the most websites susceptible to harsh/unlawful deletion of their content. That is one violation of freedom of speech. This harsh/unlawful form of censorship,–condemned by the EFF is the known recurring issue via our blogging community. Although; Blogger has claimed deleting these sites as spam is the way to keep their service in good standing. Sometimes free blogging platforms can neglect users. This form of neglect doesn’t make Blogger immuned to corporate accountability, and being brought to light. Some people has implemented badges from EFF to let Blogger know their rights should be respected. Turns out… Blogger is actually a giant hypocrite!

WordPress self-hosted makes a total difference when you publish content outside of Blogger. You don’t need to worry about their TOS that is indeed vague.

What You Can Do With Your Self-Hosted WordPress Site?

You can run your own website, write exclusive content, sell stuff, run your own social network, and more.

If you are an author who writes erotic content; you can implement a paywall that will prevent children from viewing erotic content. Think about most websites where premium content,–published by content creators offer premium content!

You have more freedom of your content by 100%;–depending on a hosting platform.

19: An Array of Plugins

Unlike Blogger… and the gadget gallery via Blogger the WordPress plugins directory is the place where you can download WordPress plugins for your WordPress site. That enables you to add more functionality. Such as an internal ad-managing system. You can choose which ads you want to run via a time schedule, or rotation of your ads via a different ad networks, or your very own ads you hosted yourself. You can also insert code anywhere, build plugins, themes, and you can also divide your site into multiple sites,–depending on a plugin what you’ve chosen.

Some plugins allow you to add custom CSS, segment posts into pages, sort content, load your site faster, socialize your content with social networks, allow donations via any payment platform, manage code, run anti-malware scans, hide premium content, build landing pages, handle users, and more.

18: Multisite Capability

Blogger doesn’t do multisite! But WordPress can… Blogger blogs only do one blog at a time for some publishers. You can only run up to 100 blogs per each Google Account. You can have up to 100 members on your team blog,–if you were a group of religious individuals, software developers, artists for music projects, or anything. Blogger is already a multisite… but it uses a blogspot domain name. If you want to have your own domain, you need to buy a domain to set a custom domain for your website. And you have to abide to Blogger’s TOS when using their platform to host your content with your custom domain.

With WordPress… its easier to have unlimited amount of users on your sites, and unlimited subsites. You don’t need to worry about Blogger’s tight limitations.

17: As many posts you want, and unlimited pages

Blogger use to have limited amount of pages per each user, but you still have unlimited amounts of posts can be published. most of these pages can reach up to 1 MB in size. But WordPress can reach a higher size. Posts can be endless for both Blogger and WordPress! But only WordPress can be larger than Blogger. If you take 100 posts on each blogger blog; that can equal up to 10,000 posts total. Since Blogger is owned by Google; their servers update constantly. But for your host… they will evolve overtime. If you have your own server; you need to upgrade it yourself.

Your own brand!!

In common… Blogger Blogs has a “Blogger” logo below each blog/site. But WordPress can be set to match your brand of your website. You can easily place a logo on your site’s header. Although; you need to upload an image to brand your Blogger blog with your logo image. If your blog/site is deleted by google; your content is lost. With WordPress… you retain it without a worry. It’s kind of like being a king, queen, or even a president of your own country.

16: Say “good-by” to using third party services!

That applies to websites relying on VPS/dedicated hosting packages…

Tired of YouTube, Vimeo, Photo Bucket, or any kind of third party services? You can host your own content directly; and you don’t need to worry about copyfraud, or censorship by these big corporations who were unlawfully neglecting innocent users online. This is useful, and powerful because, you can enable anyone to watch your content without any worries of government censorship. Since YouTube violated the US economic sanctions program, and doing business with terrorists. This is the known issue to us.

15: You can connect to A Hosted Version of WordPress!

We’re about to get close to 1 half of a top 20 countdown of this article. Do you know you can connect to with your self-hosted site. This is true! You can use Jetpack to do it. Everyday; it protects your site from brute-force attacks. You can get embed codes to common websites what we use everyday. And you can get backups for your site, automated sharing via publicising; beautiful math; stats; sharing links; likes; and more. Never the less… you can also use your account to follow other blogs.

14: Themes to install

Blogger does have templates… but WordPress has an array of themes to install to your site. Like Blogger; you can edit code, but wordpress uses php to run. Each theme is created by communities via communities around the world. Some of them are free, and some of them are premium.


Blogger doesn’t do shortcodes! WordPress is born to do shortcodes because, it’s easier to embed media, files, and other web content. it use shortcodes,–without needing to use <iframe> tags. If you were using Blogger you have to use that tag to do so for embedding. However;some browsers can detect security flaws when using that traditional tag than a shortcode.

Cause shortcodes are easy to use, even a starter person can use it! [gallery] shortcode is one example of using it for embedding a gallery.

However; there was the another power Blogger user who written a script that makes it possible for Blogger to have shortcodes working! Like wordpress; it uses major short codes to make it easy to embed content.

12: No need to rely on third party code by creating an account

You can get an array of codes what you can use without needing a user account. However; optional services can be used,–if you want to. However; if you were using Blogger; you have to rely on user accounts in order for a third party code to work.

11: No annoying adult content intersticial warnings caused by Blogger’s invalad content analysis

Since Blogger is causing some issues with people who don’t write adult content. This is the issue that is waiting to happen. But it doesn’t apply to Blogger blogs with erotic content published. This is the flaw you may encounter,–due to Blogger’s false positives! With WordPress… you can write content without a worry, and you will never lose your loyal readers.

10: No need to use a third party ecommerse platform

Now these days; you can sell items on your own site. Since some people use PayPal, an online payment platform; you can sell products/services on your website. You have full control of your goods.

If you have Blogger blogs… you need to rely on a third party platform, such as Ebay, Shopify, or any other online store platform.

Most of these platforms take a cut of your earnings when your products are sold; you must abide to their terms,–just like Blogger. With your own store… you keep all of your earnings.

Some platforms are free, or paid,–depending on your prefered store platform. Overtime; you will need to upgrade to a custom domain,–just like I mentioned earlier on this article. And you need to pay a premium price.

9: No need to worry about your blog being locked

You are a legitimate blogger who care about your audience, but your audience is denied access to your front end of your blog. Sometimes, Blogger often do this,–claiming their keeping their platform safe. This lie has been going for the past years. Sometimes people misuse the form to report abuse. Spammers who were relying on Blogger are the known issues with this platform. Like what I mentioned earlier in this article; this is almost the same as an intersticial warning for adult content.

With WordPress… you still get your visitors each day… you keep your readers!

8: No nav bar!

You can still turn off the nab bar on your Blogger Blog. But you don’t have one on WordPress. That is beautiful, but you can make your own nav bar for your own site.

7: No storage limits as your site grows via upgrading from one package to the another

Blogger only allows you to upload up to 15 GB of data to their servers, but the posts are still unlimited.

6: Categories

Categories are fun. And unlike labels via Blogger; you can organize posts,–making them relevant to your readers online. Useful for writing books, news articles, reviews, change logs, and more.

5: Beautiful front page

This is useful if you were writing a professional blog/ or a book. You can place a search box on your front page,–just like most search sites. What’s mentioned earlier; Blogger has a limit of 1 MB in size per page. But WordPress is endless!

4: Numeric pages

It takes a custom widget to implement a numeric pages to replace “older posts” and “newer posts” links with numbers.

WordPress themes has this feature available. And you don’t need to add that widget.

3:Restore a post from the trash

Blogger doesn’t have a trash folder; if you delete a post… you can’t restore it. With WordPress… you can restore it.

Why Blogger Doesn’t Have A Trash Folder?

This is still a mystery… maybe they don’t want to have any of these posts that are in trash folders clogging up their servers. But this is necessary for these posts to be deleted quickly,–whether if you were replacing content on your Blogger blog for the purpose of repurposing your blog for other content for some people to read.

2: Short links feature included!

Now you can get a short link without needing to use a third party service to do it. With Blogger; you have to use a third party service to do so.

1: Organize ads and widgets

You can use a plugin to rotate ads, and sell your ad slots directly, or use any ad networks you like to use. That’s the fun part of WordPress. AdRotate is the fun plugin that will give these ads a ride,–enabling you to use multiple ad networks at once,–without cluttering your website. What’s great with this plugin… you can organize ads without a worry!

With Blogger you have to keep at most 3 ads on your blog/site. You can’t rotate these ads because, you have to combine a set of ads around your site, or add them inside your posts to do it.

By Fairy-Rider

Part of Fairies Dreams & Fantasy staff

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