Environmental Issues What If Educational Series

What If All People Rode A Subway?

Although; people who take underground subway trains often travel places without needing to own a car. In NYC; taking an underground subway is key to help reduce cars off the road. Everyday; people in New York drive cars and vans to go places. However; driving your vehicle is only used for professional uses like taxi services, and other business use like delivering hot goods. Typically, driving your own car as a personal form of transportation is risky than taking an underground subway. If you live without a car, and you rely on trains like a subway to go places; most likely you are helping to help reduce cars off the road.


You start off with your normal day; heading to work. You already take public transportation by default. You pay fares, and you use your credit card to finance use of public transportation as a way to mitigate automobile dependency, and air pollution.

Right now; you heard a news about mandatory install of windmills as a way to help reduce CO2 levels in your city where you currently live.

You head outside, and you discovered these streets are emptied of automobiles. You can see only 1000 of the last automobiles rolling down these streets. Many people began to pay more for an underground subway, and you discovered you are breathing better. However; you discovered your street is being repurposed for streetcars as a way to mitigate automobile traffic.

What you can see are 20 people heading to work by taking a train as a way to help reconsider traveling by train as a way to appreciate train travel,–before an invention of automobiles.

You take a ramp to a subway, and you pay a fare like usual.

As you pay a fare, you pay at least $25.00 from your pocket as a way to support your favorite form of transportation. Paying a fare for a subway is playing fair!

After a payment; you take a path to a desired platform to take a train.

However; you can see 20 more people getting ready to take a train as a pledge to help free the streets. This is important to help reduce cyclists being struck by vehicles driven by selfish and “bad” drivers who has a major disregard for cyclists’ safety. Well, it’s bad to have so many cars on the road because, smog levels can harm your lungs, and cancer risks are common.

You usually hop on a train.

You can see other people discussing about a challenge that focuses on living without driving to work, but take a train each day. You can see a train engineer getting ready to drive a train as her first day on her job!

The train leaves the platform, and you begin to enjoy the beauty of taking a train as you head to work.

However; you’re on an elevated track, and you can see why so many cars on the road is a major problem. You can see crashes, and even other issues.

Although; a city bus has to deal with all of the traffic. A city bus is a public transit vehicle too!

However; these people are selling all of their cars to switch to train rides as a way to help clear the streets. This endless parade of cars is leading to a place where automobiles are sold.

After 1 car is sold, a family of 3 children take a train as a way to help reduce carbon levels. Although; they have enough money to pay a fare for a decade! This transition is also enabling this underground subway to make more money than they used to. However; It takes time to have all of that fare evasion reduced by 75%; as long as prices aren’t gouged. Car, by car; people take a train as a way to take part of reconsidering train travel. Also, when traveling by train, you can sit down and relax, and enjoy your trip to work.

However; you can see a truck that is specialized in carrying cars pick up sold vehicles, and ship them to special lots where they can be resold to other people, or companies who need them for other purposes like taxi companies. Although; a taxi is public transportation too! However; it takes up to 4 years for a taxi company to fully boom with business.

You head to your job like usual, and you start putting parts together, for this instance; you are making a custom ride-on rabbit for an arcade,–for kids and adults alike.

You can hear other employees discussing about taking a train to go places over driving a car. Well, driving is intended for commercial purposes only, not for personal commute.

Vehicle count declines, and train ridership gains.

Streets quiet down.

Not just clearing up these streets like this help the environment, that also help city vehicles do their job with ease, reducing time, and saving money at the same time!

These empty streets also play a key role of enabling cyclists to go places as a way to help save time on traveling to places.

Six-lane highways begin to quiet down.

Service tunnels quiet down.

Workers who expand this subway are hired, generating more jobs.

Day, by day, automobiles disappear.

Streets get cleaned by machines.

Streetlights are still lit at night,–despite lack of heavy traffic.

Trains continue to run.

All of the private vehicles being owned by families remain by only 60%; but 40% of people are taking trains each day.

Then 50% of private vehicles remain.

Somehow; 51% of people are taking trains now.

However; a subway service begins to experience more riders than usual.

However; this surge of revenue has caused this underground subway to have enough money to fix their system.

That also caused this underground subway to generate more jobs.

This trend continues for months. Gas prices plunged by 75%; giving commercial vechiles a chance to top up their tanks for doing their jobs.

Toll roads begin to quiet down.

Day, by day, more people take trains to go places in this large city. However; many people who care about train travel become supporters each day, and they kept doing this normalize form of transit each day.

Auto sales collaps, and city streets begin to quiet down, almost like a ghost town. However; pollution levels has been reduced by 99.9%.

Almost every street has quiet down, and streets became safer than ever.

Four years went by; an underground subway is gaining endless amount of riders, and money fills their bank account. All of that constant revenue has overwhelmed their ability to receive lots of money.

Most of these fare payments are financed by credit.

Trains became overwhelmed, causing other trains to take over.

Each day; people go places by train, and people who spot trains became employees for an underground subway.

Streets are now being reclaimed by a train system.

Untold, automobile traffic has been displaced by railways as a way to eliminate automobiles from our roads by 80%.

Only 20% of this town still has automobile traffic remaining. This powerful effort of reducing carbon by train travel has caused this underground subway to invest on solar, wind, and other renewable energy by 99.9%.

Elevated roads are reclaimed by train traffic,–thanks to people taking trains. However; 6-lane roads are still quiet, and there is no sign of 1 car on it. However; emergency vehicles don’t have to blare their sirens that much. However; communities who rely on automobiles often face these restrictions.

Unfortunately, most of these people who still own automobiles must pay for expensive bills, parking bills, taxes, and even driveway use fees. Also, many of these owners who own cars, vans, and even family pickup trucks are stuck with few roads left, and they must find a way to go places without owning a car.

Endless blockages of streets has been implemented as a way to enforce “car-free” streets by 99.9%. This displacement of automobiles has also costs their owners who own automobiles billions of dollars each year, dirving them into debt even further!

The only people who own automobiles are composed of sex offenders, child abusers, rapists, sex predators, and even sex cult leaders who are released from prison. They can’t take a subway because, there’s a law that prevent them from doing so.

Prices of taking a train begin to go down slowly as train travel becomes more affordable than it used to.

With all of that high fare payments by the rich, and the working communities, that caused costs for the subway itself to go down. They took great financial risk to support this underground subway.

Many shops has paid over $200,000,000 in taxes than an industry norm. That surge of tax payments has enabled this city to improve their place. However; overpayment of fares are so intentional, that caused this subway to focus on providing transportation to many people in this city. Also, these endless payments has caused this subway to buried in so many dollars overtime.

All of that overpayment has caused gas companies to remarket their audience to commercial entities who own vehicles.

More people has caused this subway to be overwhelmed again, and again. This surge of demand has caused this underground subway to experience delays, and even setbacks each day.

All fare payments has flooded these kiosks, booths, personnels who collect fares, and it even caused ATM machines to be empty of cash each day. All of these machines being overwhelmed are a sign of high rates of fare payments.

However; endless amounts of money are still being collected to be sent to banks to set money aside. They set up saving s accounts to help set aside cash for the future.

The last of these automobiles has declined by 25%; and this shrinkage of automobile owners has result to people traveling without a car!

These parkways has been redesigned as tramways as a way to rethink about traveling in cities.

Streets begin to have more work done with ease, and more trains are taking up these abandon streets.

Hundreds of dollars are saved by people each day, and this city has agreed to keep their train service active for years to come.

Car-free movements has spiked, and people celebrated by riding bikes, and allowing children to ride on their dogs, instead of walking them with a leash! This kind of a transition has caused this city to be safer than ever.

Streetlights has been redesigned for slower traffick, and these streets has been redesigned for transit vehicles that still remain.

Four years later, more people take trains, and revenue still pours in.

Green roofing has been installed, and all buildings has been revamped with a different purpose. Many trees has been planted as a way to help the economy grow for years to come.

This trend was considered an action to help fight climate change. This action was controlled, and prepared as a way to free the streets, and ban use of automobiles altogether. Only commercial company own automobiles. The police, and the fire cpolice can only drive these vehicles. Also, government agencies can take up surplus automobiles.

These streets are successfully cleaned as a way to remove gasoline, and other residues. This cleanup is expensive, and people who own automobiles and other private vehicles must pay for these expensive cleanup services.

More trees are strategically planted, and more gardens are established.

Smog levels are now gone!

Why Its Important To Take A Subway Instead Of Driving A Car?

A subway plays a key role to our cities! That helps you offset traveling by car each day.

Trains are safer than driving a car. You are susceptible to die by an automobile crash by 99.9%. Train crashes do happen, but they’re rare.

Unlike traveling by car, you get to relax, and you get to chat, and you get to go places with full independence.

If you take a subway by 99% each year, you can save as much money each year.

However; having money available is key for paying fares.

Rain transportation is smoother, and you can rely on train travel for a long haul.

Also, unlike traveling by airplane, you can help reduce carbon by 99.9%.

Also, underground trains are good for our large cities.

If you travel by train each day(at least 10 years); you can make a difference for our city.

With all of these railways being busy with trains, you can help reduce road construction costs associated with automobile traffic.

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