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If Darrell Brooks Jr Who Was In A Christmas Parade Disaster Is Sent To Prison Today… Which Prison Will He Will Be Sent To?

What a merry day it is… WHAT A MERRY DAY IT IS! We’re been nailing this guy hard for up to a year, and if you don’t know who Darrell Brooks Jr is… he’s a Black light skin guy who was involved in a Christmas parade disaster, and it must’ve shocked some of us in the USA and Wisconsin. Darrell used his red car to attack people during a Christmas parade that cameback,–after a long wait after 2020 during the pandemic. This attack has resulted to 6 deaths. He chose “not guilty” during his hearing, or something. Well, a bond amount that is questionable is a known problem. However; his current bond, right before his sentencing is higher, and he has a condition of not driving his vehicle, and other restrictions.

Unfortunately, Darrell Brooks Jr is found guilty of all of these charges, and he is sentenced to life behind bars with over 800 years included. That means… he will be in prison, until his death.

Once Darrell Brooks Jr is sent to prison, justice will be served,–for good! But where he will be sentenced? I am not sure where he will be sentenced via prison. I think ADX Florence is a relevant prison, or maybe a prison in California,–or a federal prison someplace.

If Darrell Brooks Jr Is Being Sent To Prison… And What Is It Like For Darrell Brooks Jr. To Be In Prison

Although; Darrell Brooks Jr will be in prison, and this is a time he will never forget. I think he will be shipped to prison via a van, or any ground prison vehicle. Well, I prefer to ship this convicted defendant via a van because, it has no back windows. That makes it difficult for Darrell Brooks Jr. to find out where’s he’s actually going! Well, most police vans are designed like this.

If Darrell Brooks Jr. arrives at prison, he will be leaving the outside world, and he will be behind prison walls. He will be going through receiving and discharging (R & D), he will be processed into a prison system. He will be fingerprinted, photographed, assigned a registration number, and he will be ordered to change to a prison clothing. During a swap to prison clothing, he will be stripped naked, and he will be ordered to spread his legs, and cough to check if he’s hiding any item that is not allowed in prison. After being searched, he will be issued undergarments provided by most prisons.

And speaking about undergarments, he will be wearing clothing that is plain. Most prisons don’t allow undergarments with colors and patterns. No Pokemon for you Darrell, you will get just plain undergarment what you will be wearing under a prison uniform… nothing more, nothing less; this is what you’ll get and that’s you are wearing! Also, your uniform will be assigned to you.

Also, within most prisons, even today’s prisons… you will be issued a prison ID with a photo of you when you are photographed. That allows you to have certain access to some parts of a prison like work programs, religious services, library, etc, and don’t forget a commissary, that’s a place where you can buy food, and other items. commissary is a privilege Darrell, and you must earn it in order to get commissary for buying things, and you must have someone fund your commissary account for you,–if your parent is live and able to fund your account.

Although; most prison food has little or no nutrition at all. Well, prison food is cooked byb inmates. However; despite prisons have kitchens where food is prepared by inmates… this is an issue because, inmates often put something that is not suitable for food within their food what they’re making, bodily fluids, exposure to contaminants, and other factors can make you sick. All commercial kitchens must abide to food safety regulations. Prisons should NOT be excempt from this regulation. However; a commissary may help him work around this problem when his account is funded.

What I almost forgot, he will be getting a bedroll, a pillow, or a matress for his cell, or dormitory, and even a pillow. However; a thin mattress with a thin blanket is common. That will make it difficult for Darrell Brooks to be comfortable in his cell or dormitory.

Unfortunately (for Darrell Brooks Jr.), there’s no driving vehicles in prison. He will be walking around like other inmates, and he will be following the rules of the prison system. In order for him to be compliant, he must avoid joining gangs and other sick people. Since he’s a sex offender, he will be assigned to a housing unit designated for sex offenders.

Usually, life without parole is common. However; if he’s paroled, he must abide to conditions of his parole like NOT driving any vehicle, finding a mandatory job, no possession of firearm/weapons, live via a 3rd party custodian, and register as a sex offender for a long period of time. However; parole won’t be available for him, and that’s what he’s going to happpen to him.

Despite me, and African-American/Black myself, I would never do this to anyone. Darrell should’ve stayed home in the first place, and abide to conditions of his bond that is faulty, corruption of our law enforcement is a major problem for all of us, and our government should be held accountable for leaving the corrupt officials off the hook. Although; living in the USA… the land of the free doesn’t always go to plan, even if we have new leaders who run countries to make better places to go to as planned. Me, an American citizen myself is aware of corruption, riding through these critical factors, and waiting for change to arrive, I’ve been watching each news report on a regular basis.

I don’t know if Darrell Brooks Jr. will be placed in ADX Florence, or any other prison in the United States. Well, I’ve viewed prison documentaries on MSNBC before like Lockup. In fact; over 2,000,000 in America doing time behind bars!

If Darrell finds a job in prison, he will be only be paid by cents per hour, and that will be no way for him to support himself with that hourly amount. For this instance, $0.12 per hour times 10 will only give you $1.20. It takes 100 days with each 10 hours to reach $12.00 for his commissary account. If he saves up enough money in his account; he can get food from a commissary, or other items. That will take a very long time for him to have enough money for his commissary account as he works via a job program.

Darrell Brooks Jr. will be missing out Thanksgiving… a holidy what I no longer celebrate because I am a vegetarian, and he will also miss out Christmas… a holidy what I still celebrate each year… for this instance, receiving presents, and having my wishes granted. However; Darrell Brooks Jr. will be put on a naughty list indefinitely by Saint Nick (or Santa Claus), or a Christmas fairy! If there’s a Christmas fairy; Darrell Brooks Jr. will be getting NOTHING for Christmas. However; he has his last Christmas last year. And he won’t be able to see Christmas trees, the snow on building tops, reindeer, fairies, holiday lights, skiing, snowboarding, tubing, warm fireplaces with chestnuts roasting over the open fire, gingerbread, candy, holiday homes, icy windows, pine trees, and even a warm cup of tea!

However; this is going to be Darrell’s last Halloween via an outside world, before he’s shipped to prison, and he can’t wear a costume, and give out candy to children (including adults). His home will NOT have lights on, and he will be having a sign that encourage children to stay away. No seeing people in Halloween costumes dress up as Roxanne and Stacey for you Darrell Brooks Jr. You will just going to be home alone,–until you are being handed to US marshals, or any entity who transport new defendants to prison to begin your life sentence, or if you are held someplace, you will be transferred to prison via a land vehicle, or something similar, or in most critical cases, you will be put on diesel therapy when necessary!

So, say “good-by” to an outside world Darrell Brooks Jr! If you are lucky to be paroled in the future,–if granted; you will be seeing how our community has evolved for a long period of time, but you can’t even find a way to adapt to our new concepts. If you were denied parole, there’s no way for you to find a way out. If you managed to live out a life sentence, you will be end up without any visitors in the future. Well, I’ll be an old person who just recently retired from my job with a passport to head to Japan to spend the rest of my life in a new country,–after I caught up with my taxes.

If you are on a good behavior, you can earn privileges in prison, like TV, recreation, jobs, etc, and even transfer to a less strict prison… like a prison camp,–if you are lucky, and don’t forget phone privileges to speak with your relatives, and even visitors like your family members or friends.

What Should Wisconsin Do?

The best ways for our streets to be safe for parades is by implement at least 16 streets designated as “car-free” as a way to help prevent future disasters.

Children should be educated about why going car-free is important.

Pass anti-spanking legislation to prevent abuse behind closed doors. That also require laws to be amended.

Demilitarizing should be a priority by NOT allowing anyone to possess firearms and other weapons.

Parades need to be planned with a “plan B” setup as an additional measure to prevent future disasters.

Prioritize gun-free laws.

Implement a “no drive” month to take part for helping to reduce disasters cause by rogue motorists. Essential vehicles like buses, trains, and taxis should be prioritized as standard modes of transit to help cut air pollution.

Mandate buffers for car-free zones during parades.

My Thoughts Of Darrell Brooks Jr. Sentenced To Life Behind Bars

My thoughts of sentencing this defendant behind bars for causing a parade disaster is like removing a terrorist from our streets, and this is important to keep our community safe against future threats.

Fortunately, the jury has made a split second decision to find Darrell Brooks Jr. guilty of all charges. If he was found NOT guilty… that should’ve cause an outrage across the USA, or people who will move to a different country like Japan, or start a micronation where it can be car-free!

I hope victims of a parade disaster are finally feeling better soon, after Darrell Brooks Jr. has been convicted. Now, he won’t be able to vote, get a passport, nor enjoy freedom like most people!

My final thought of Darrell Brooks sentenced to life in prison is like bringing him into a certain colony with other crooks to a different land or city someplace.

What You Should Do

If you see something… say something! You can save a life, and prevent disasters, deaths, and injuries. You can be a hero for preventing disasters like this.

Go car-free.

If you were planning a parade/event; prioritize safety first.

Go gun-free!

I don’t know when Darrell Brooks Jr. will be be sent to prison, and I am not sure when his sentence begins. I really felt bad for the victims of a Christmas parade attack/disaster. Instead of Darrell being free, he is going to prison,–for good. I’ll keep you posted when an update is available.

By Fairy-Rider

Part of Fairies Dreams & Fantasy staff

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