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If Darrell Brooks Jr Who Was In A Christmas Parade Disaster Is Sent To Prison Today… Which Prison Will He Will Be Sent To?

What a merry day it is… WHAT A MERRY DAY IT IS! We’re been nailing this guy hard for up to a year, and if you don’t know who Darrell Brooks Jr is… he’s a Black light skin guy who was involved in a Christmas parade disaster, and it must’ve shocked some of us in the USA and Wisconsin. Darrell used his red car to attack people during a Christmas parade that cameback,–after a long wait after 2020 during the pandemic. This attack has resulted to 6 deaths. He chose “not guilty” during his hearing, or something. Well, a bond amount that is questionable is a known problem. However; his current bond, right before his sentencing is higher, and he has a condition of not driving his vehicle, and other restrictions.

Unfortunately, Darrell Brooks Jr is found guilty of all of these charges, and he is sentenced to life behind bars with over 800 years included. That means… he will be in prison, until his death.

Once Darrell Brooks Jr is sent to prison, justice will be served,–for good! But where he will be sentenced? I am not sure where he will be sentenced via prison. I think ADX Florence is a relevant prison, or maybe a prison in California,–or a federal prison someplace.