Educational Series What If

What If 30% Of African-Americans In The United States Of America Moved To Japan?

Although; living in the United States Of America is a land of freedom, the way how this country is set for a long period of time, but freedom doesn’t always come to plan! Well, USA is design to change for a long period of time. Yo got to have a right leader, and you need to have correct laws, and you must have a correct structure of law enforcement. Although; for some people; living in the USA doesn’t always mean better! Some people move to Japan to start their new lives as a way to have children, or in some cases, retire after a long employment.

What we are focusing on, is 30% of African-Americans who might have a choice of moving to Japan. Well, its your decision to move to Japan and start a new life, that way; you can avoid police shootings, the same way that happened to most of other African-Americans… like me. If 30% of African-Americans move to Japan today, there’s are some effects that will effect parts of USA, such as: shrinkage of number of citizens, surplus properties, etc.


Imagine, you woke up this morning, you are about to head to work.

First, you got yourself some breakfast, such as: oranges with toast, some cherries, and some green apples. You usually have coffee during the day.

You woke up extra early to prepare yourself for work without rushing.

You take your time by eating your breakfast.

As you eat, you listen to a news on your AM/FM boombox over using an internet radio because, your internet needs a break during upgrades of your internet service.

You can hear some of your friends speak about this trend from a hallway outside of your apartment.

After you ate your breakfast, you power off your boombox, and your computer,–before you head out the door.

You lock the door of your apartment.

You usually greet someone, but some of your known neighbors has moved out of their homes, and they’re empty.

Each house has a message about why they’ve moved from USA to Japan. You can see a police officer who was fired for these reckless shooting of African-Americans, and he is BANNED from possessing firearms, and he was sentenced to 22 years probation with a following condition: No associating with other Whites, but deal with “Black owned” companies… that means, no going to Disney World for him.

You usually take a bus, but you can see other African-Americans heading to an Airport, their new place to live is: Japan.

You usually take a bus ride like normal, and you can see your current friends speak to other people about moving to Japan, and they’re moving to Tokyo. Some of these African-Americans started to prepare to work at Nintendo, Sony, and JVC. You can see many of these apartments empty of African-Americans. However; the Chinese-Americans has exploded in population growth.

You head to work, and your boss is discussing about a trend of African-Americans moving to Japan, and this trend has exploded recently!

Only 4 of these African-Americans are left in your work area. However; your place of employment has gained 6 Chinese-Americans so far.

You can see 1 bad cop who is living in these streets,–after he was released from prison, after he did his time for slaying an African-American patron at Disney World. However; this man was fired by force, after a petition has been sent to Disney. That caused this man to lose all of his money, and he can’t go to any company that is traditionally owned by White population. That means, no more possessing guns for him, and he can’t even meet his favorite characters what he seen on TV.

You usually work, and you usually do your job like a normal paid person does, for this instance; you type on a computer, and start developing websites via HTML,–using ultra accessible method of developing websites.

You type away on your work computer, and you focus on your job, you have enough energy to work for a long time.

The news about an airport being overwhelmed by a mass amounts of African-Americans moving out of USA, bring their companies with them, causing a major effect to our economy.

About 12 full airlines has been filled to the maximum capacity. Airline companies make more money, and pilots take effortless jobs flying to and from Japan with a pair of airlines.

Estimated up to 5,000,000 African-Americans/Blacks has transitioned to a Japanese lifestyle. If this is the case, that will cause the White community to be so upset because, this trend is overwhelming their companies.

Day by day, more African-Americans has moved out, and airports became extremely busy. Lines are long, telephone lines are busy, stores packed, and even hotels are packed.

Airport staff are overwhelmed, and the security department is overwelmed.

All of that refueling, and ferrying a batch of passengers has caused this airport to experience an extreme overload, and more staff needed to be hired.

A spike of air travel has caused American airports to fly 8 jets at the same time, this endless chain or planes has formed a convoy of some sort.

Airlines arrive in Japan.

African-Americans sign up to register for residence, and buy surplus housing to soak up these homes what Japan has trouble selling. These African-American men has already planned to start a family in Japan with Japanese women chosen with extreme care. However; a baby boom comes back, and Japan’s population rebounds slowly, reducing shrinkage by only 15%.

African-American women begin to own property, and find jobs to sustain themselves.

African-Americans in USA learn to speak Japanese,–before they move to Japan.

Police departments begin to experience reduction of substance usage, and alcohol intake.

“Black owned” companies begin to have an extension in Japan.

This 30% chunk of African-American citizens who moved to Japan has caused many of these communities to free up, reducing noise, carbon, and even crime rate.

Chinese-Americans take up space that is freed up, some of them became business owners.

Japan receives new birth rates each year. That causes a minority population of Black Japanese to reach majority levels.

Whites in the USA panic, and some often get angry over this trend, and they must deal with it.

Unfortunately, some whites has exploded with riots because, Black communities has started a migrating process to evade hate crimes.

Airlines are used up., Some of these Whites are left stuck with ground travel by vehicles what they owned

Police departments experience stress because, they can’t shoot African-Americans.

Surplus property left empty.

Over 10 airlines ferry African-Americans each day.

The Japanese government gets overwhelmed too!

Japan begins a process of building a taller artificial island with an integrated coral reef beneath the waves.

Newer buildings are built with green roofing to mitigate heat island effect.

African-Americans hunt problematic bears each day in Japan, but some advocate reintroduction of wolves as a way to let nature take care of a hard work.

Some African-Americans in Japan become inventors, game developers, factory workers, CEOs, land owners, and even make movies.

This sudden population growth has caused cities to be overwhelmed.

USA has discovered 30% of their real estate has been freed. That also enabled the homeless population to take up these sold properties.

On a plus side: that made room for the next generation of Americans. Also, USA will be more diversed than it used to. However; we do run out of people from other countries what we know today. Diversity is very important for USA and Japan,–and other countries.

This trend of African-Americans in Japan may someday bring back Rastafarianism. If this is the case, a reformatted version of Rastafarianism may start.

This surge of African-Americans moving to Japan has costs many airline companies $20,000,000,000 or more. However; “White owned” companies experienced major debts, ranging from credit card debts to defaulted loans. Also, that caused hundreds of dollars worth of revenue to be collected by collection agencies.

In Japan, new arrivals of Americans has generated some revenue, but many of these African-Americans has signed up for jobs, and started working each day. Also, no more police shootings, and no more police brutality!

A surge of birth rate has enable Japan to gain more people.

However; in the USA, only 70% of African-American/Blacks are remaining, and they stay put because, they don’t have passports just yet. Most of them are new police officers who took part of holding Whites accountable for shoplifting, civil rights violations, gun violence, police brutality, unlawful arrests, illegal traffic stops, and even racially-motivated attacks of some sort.

Police departments with Whites who are employees collaps.

A rate of bad cops fill up prisons, and even African-American/Blacks built prisons with a special purpose of housing bad cops,–similar to ADX Florence prison… these bad cops are housed via each cell.

With all of that migration surge to Japan caused by African-American/Blacks in USA… airports must cope with these overloads for the future. However; airports has made enough money to improve their services and transportation. Many pilots has earned medals for their hard word work, and some of them are treated with a sushi dinner in most sushi restaurants in the USA.

Many airplanes that are extremely overwhelmed are replicated as an artificial reef for fish to live and thrive.

Many of these worn automobiles are recycled, and some of these automobiles are replicated as artificial reefs as a way to help our ecosystem.

This surge of migration has caused police departments to lose money, and collaps beyond rebound.

When things begin to quiet down, new jobs has appeared 80%; and many of these streets went car-free as a way to honor their former citizens of the United States Of America.

Streetcars are back in service.

Windmills are built.

Natural gas services shut down.

More trees are planted.

Oil refineries produce less oil.

Recycling rise.

Crime rate begins to go down.

Anti-spanking movements begin to rise.

Debts begin to fall.

More taxes are paid.

Gun sales fall.

Housing market rises.

Child abuse rate falls.

Food security has been improved.

Cattle farms shrink.

Pork farms shrink.

More feral hogs are hunted.

This surge has also caused USA to rethink about our citizens who are African-American/Blacks.

Cause this news has been heard around the world, African governments has held certain countries accounts for unlawful slave trade that happened since long time ago, that ranged from strategic sanctions, to holding Whites accountable for their serious crime. Most of these Whites has been extradited to Africa, and sent to vast prisons that are modern by design, and some of them are sentenced hard labor/forced labor with now payment at all.

A story about Blacks stolen from Africa since years ago has been brought to light.

Measures has been put in place by banning slave trades, and imposing the longest injunction ever, like 500,000,000,000,000 years per stolen person/citizen.

A movement of returning to Africa that is intentional has sparked.

Africa begins to unite all countries into a supernation of some sort.

African-Americans in Japan continue to live, and prosper.

Interracial marriage rises.

World hunger begins to drop, thanks to publishers who choose public libraries for their books, movies, games, music, and other media.

African-American/Blacks in Japan begin to cause something positive to happen to these franchises what we know today, for this instance; Pokemon is going to have a Black Pokemon trainer instead of Ash for a newer generation.

Black anime will be a new product.


African-Americans In Japan continue to rise by 55% as a majority. Also, Japan will become a new home for Black communities as an estension,–similar to current communities in the USA.

Sega, PlayStation, Nintendo, and other platforms are going to have games developed by Black communities.

Also, Black Japanese will be the next generation of our Japanese population in Japan.

However; some Japanese arrive from Japan to start their American lives to have children there.

Asian-American population in USA grow.

More Asian products are sold.

More Asian restaurants appear.

More communities combine.

Over 500,000 communities begin to change for at least 10 years.

Economy grows.

Streets go car-free.

More people take trains.

Train travel spikes.

Road travel by car declines.

Crime rate declines.

Let’s Find Out What If It Happened Right Now

Firstly, Japan will have more people with newer generations.

Secondly, USA will have its resources freed.

Thirdly, airlines make some money, but airlines will be overwelmed.

Fourthly, Japan is going to have a baby boom restored.

Fiftly, Japan is going to have new people working, and that will generate more jobs.

Sixthly, more Asian-Americans will take over freed up resources.

Seventhly, USA with 70% of African-Americans remaining will generate more jobs.

Eighthly, streets will go car-free.

Lastly, franchises what we know today will evolve.

By Fairy-Rider

Part of Fairies Dreams & Fantasy staff

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