
My Longest Experiment Of Writing A Book Outdoors

I decided to head outside, and leave my mobile phone in my apartment, and enjoy the beauty of getting fresh air even longer. I am also studying what is like to socialize with other people outside as I type on my laptop computer, emulating the time before wireless network is a thing. Fortunately for me; I use an Ubuntu laptop computer as my default computer as I experiment writing outdoors longer.

Experimenting With Writing Indoors

With all of that indoor air, CO levels are kind of up, and I am still breathing stale air. With all of that dust, and our skin what we shed each day has caused some issues as I be creative, such as writing a book, and working on my project. I’ve also experimented on listening to meditation music on YouTuve with my Chromebook, as a way to focus on my project.

I was being kind of productive, but I figured out these problems as I try to write my book each day, even if I am not working.

  • Indoor air is stale – stale air still circulates, even if I open a window to remove some of of a dirty air out. Trees are doing their job providing fresh air to breathe.
  • Indoor air pollution – Lack of live plants is a problem when I live in this apartment building. Also, people who are smokers often bring in polluted air as they come indoors. Smoke residue circulates in this building. Well, I don’t smoke.

I usually spend time streaming videos on YouTube, and do nothing, but sleep. This is not the way how my weekend activity goes! A true way of me to spend time during weekends is by being creative like writing books, making podcasts, and more.

All of that negative energy is a known factor of making bad decisions with money management, credit management, housekeeping, things to do, and more.

Its the exact equivalent of 20 prison facilities! As I try to think things through; I often experience low power, and even incorrect decisions being made.

Smoke residue, stale air, and CO2 levels is a bad mix, and it can be difficult to steer clear of. Sometimes, construction work via sawdust can mix in with negetive energy too! If I get my guess correct; all of that bad air what I was breathing has slowed down my creativity. My apartment, especially my bathroom has the dirtiest air! even if I have an air cleaner, its not enough to remove contaminants.

Writing outdoors

I did the another experiment of writing outdoors, and I studied how it impacts my creativity. Unlike writing indoors, I can take an opportunity of getting fresh air as I write a book what I currently working with. Also, I managed to be far from my wireless network, emulating the time before wireless internet is a thing! What an experiment what I am doing!!

Earlier, I written this previous post, and did this experiment, I am continuing to do this experiment of writing outdoors. Although; I spotted a difference as I write and socialize with my neighbors at this apartment complex.

As I breathe in fresh air, I continue to be productive. However; I need to check how much battery power what I had on my Ubuntu laptop, and I use my machine’s battery for this purpose of my experiment. Despite being 4 years old,–after I first bought it; it still runs like normal. Ubuntuis my chosen OS as my daily driver for my computers what I own. Only 2 machines run Ubuntu. I do have a Chromebook, but I only use it for streaming videos. I managed to use my Ubuntu computer without streaming a single video, or audio as a way for my machine’s processor to stay cool, and relieved of being overused.

I stuck with writing content what I can create. And I also let my creative mind recharge as I think. Thanks to trees that are available at the apartment complex, I can use my brain faster, and write more, nature does have impact on our wellbeing. Some people write … and some people came up with a different idea with computing outdoors, for this instance; tree-based computing, a whole new kind of computing of some sort!

There are many possibilities of being creative outdoors. In the future; we will have outdoor computer labs with a roof with greens on it to keep rain out. However; don’t bring your desktop PC outside at this moment. We haven’t develop other ways to compute like this just yet.

I’ve also enjoyed the sound of birds chirping, and fresh air what I am taking in. I felt like being a creator in Japan, and I thought this is a whole new way to be creative, as long rainy days are not used.

If you are a retro kind of a person, and you write via a typewriter; you can write outdoors like this too!

Being a creative writer outdoors as you write a book does have positive impacts when you are outside. I think some software developers and game developers often do this activity.

Most of us open windows in our homes to get fresh air, but dirty air still circulates when fresh air is mixed in. However; when a house is vented; dirty air comes out. These trees can take in more of a dirty air, and give us fresh air to breathe. Some people don’t understand, lack of fresh air can negatively impact our wellbeing!

With my experiment, until I need to charge my laptop battery, I written longer than I was doing earlier. With sunlight during the afternoon, I imagined I am typing up a new anime series in Japan, and I really enjoyed doing this experiment. And I am slowly mastering being creative outdoors.

If I managed to write more outdoors; I will improve my writing skills, and I ‘ll speak to other people about an experiment what I was doing for many days.

My Thoughts

My thoughts of writing outdoors is like developing a new cartridge-based game with quality with other developers as a team outside, with all of these plants surrounding us.

With plants surrounding you outside, and writing on a regular basis, its kind of like using the power of nature to develop new ideas, and get inspirations.

Also, with all of these plants around me, I can write more of something new,–from my brain, all without AI!

With writing outdoors; I can keep my creativity active.

Only writing indoors has caused me to lose my creativity. That’s why we have so many piracy cases going up everyday, ranging from game piracy… to movie piracy. If we didn’t go outdoors, and be creative with our new works; we can have these same effects.

Writing outdoors on my computer has enabled me to be inspired by other creators, and I can’t do this with only writing indoors alone.

I written my book longer so far, and I have many stories to write,–before my book is officially ready to be published for readers to read my work.

By Fairy-Rider

Part of Fairies Dreams & Fantasy staff

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