
Are They’re Differences Between Vaccinated And Antivax Communities?

Earlier, I’ve written about why being vaccinated is important, and I decided to write down these differences between the vaccinated and the antivax communities. However; I discourage antivax communities because, being an antivaxxer is not a good idea. Well, you can really miss out on good stuff, after you’ve taken these shots via a nurse at a clinic, or hospital. What do I mean? Within this post; I’ve typed up my thoughts that focus on comparing vaccinated communities, and antivaxxers who refused to be vaccinated.

Before I was Vaccinated For A Current Virus That Is Causing Trouble

Just like a current situation; I took extra steps, and focus on a news about a current situation. I decided to find ways for me to be creative at home when lockdown has been implemented on March, 2020. Well, that caused me to miss out on making some money by working, and I must find ways to make some money by taking surveys. Despite my ability to work on my website, and write books as a way to make some money… I always ensure I must be very careful when interacting with people. Well, I wait for vaccines to be available. Well, this is kind of a long wait, and I must get used to waiting for these vaccines to be fully developed to help fight this current virus. Well, I always be very careful NOT to consume false information about a current pandemic, just like a current situation. Fortunately, during the Trump era, I’ve managed to survived this financial burden, and manage to wear masks and keep my distance. Although; some people don’t understand; preventing a spread of this current virus is key to prevent rising cases. Well, a pandemic is not a situation to fear, but it’s a concern. Well, some people often panic, and often pray via religious practice as a way to ride it out.

During my lockdown experience to help prevent the spread of this current virus, I figured out ways for me to adapt to this current situation. I always keep track of these updates, and rely on legitimate sources to get correct headlines. I am aware of misinformation that really concerns me. And I won’t forget when Alex Jones has his app booted from Google Play Store. However; some people claimed a pandemic is not existant, but they’re wrong. Pandemics can really strike at anytime.

I slowly ride through this experience and wait for possible changes to be implemented like wearing masks, and social distancing. Well, I usually take part to help prevent other people from being infected.

My experience of Receiving Vaccines From March 2021-Present

Although; I taken an initial dose of this vaccine at the old JC Penny store at Central Mall in Salina. This is key for me to prep for being protected against this virus. Well this is a starting point.

I wait for 2 weeks for this first dose to take effect.

I’ve taken a second dose, and it caused me to be down for 2 days or so. Well, this is an indication of this vaccine is preparing my immune system to receive protect against this virus, it takes time, and I must wait it out, and avoid large crowds.

I’ve taken a thrid dose, and I waited for 2 weeks for my vaccine to take effect, I was not down, just like my last dose. Unfortunately, there’s no insentives at this moment.

Let’s Start Off With Differences With Each Factor

If you were a person who care about taking vaccines to help prevent illnesses, and you discourage antivax communities. You can really have more freedom. Well, being vaccinated opens a gate to freedom like going to a restaurant, school, arcade, parks, and other places. Even you can take public transportation anytime.

If you were an antivaxxer, you have no freedom, and you are most likely to be end up in a hospital,–after you were tested positive for any illnesses of any kind, or this current virus that is causing trouble. Also, antivaxxers are most likely to be end up dying,–after a serious infection! As a prospective; most of these antivaxxers are end up choosing caskets before they die, place on hospice care, or end up in hospital for a long time.

Going To School


Antivaxxers are most likely to be end up at home, and they are most likely to be stuck at home with long internet access, and experience high internet bills. Also, they aren’t able to socialize with other children. However; they must wear masks to prevent the spread of viruses. However if they refused a vaccine; they’re more likely to infect other students who are wearing masks, scheduled to be vaccinated immediately too! However; parents who are antivaxxers often circumvent requiring children to be vaccinated, causing children to be infected too.

Most of these antivaxxers often protest, but many of these people who require children to be vaccinated encouraged us to get them vaccinated.

Most of these antivaxxers have their children being forced to rely on schooling at home.

Children who are NOT vaccinated, due to antivaxxer parents are most likely to have difficulties with their everyday lives, and they are most likely to be at home, and parents who refused to be vaccinated often lose jobs at medical, educational, recreational, and other institutions.

The Vaccinated:

Children of all ages enjoy schooling at traditional schools, and they are more likely to get more insentives like group sessions, interaction with teachers, breakfast and lunch, etc. Typically, the vaccinated often rely on this form of schooling, and there’s an option for going to school online.

Parents who care about vaccines that prevent illnesses are most likely to keep their jobs. And this is a good thing! Vaccines can also unlock a gates to freedom of education, and keeping your job.

The more children are vaccinated, the better. And parents are most likely to have children implement generations who will continue a cycle of having their own children vaccinated for years to come.

Dining At Restaurants


Antivaxxers are end up dining at home, only relhying on food delivery services, or they must distance from other people. However; antivaxxers are most likely to be segregated to designated dining areas of a restaurant.

Antivaxxers often miss out on dining at these restaurants because, they refused to be vaccinated. Some restaurants require proof of vaccination is a pass to enter this establishment. Well, antivaxxers often mislead their vaccine status.

Antivaxxers are most likely to only rely on drive-through services for getting meals from a restaurant, if they don’t have this feature; they’re end up stuck with deliveries.

Antivaxxers are most likely to miss out insentives what restaurants offer.

The Vaccinated:

The vaccinated can enjoy these insentives like normal,–just like most restaurants, and they’re choices to choose. You can have your meal delivered to you via a service, or dine at a traditional restaurant. You can also enjoy other things like a built-in arcade, and other features.

The vaccinated often enjoy other freedoms when choose where to dine,–if they have enough money to spend. Typically, the vaccinated are most likely to form social gatherings, and enjoy other normal lifestyles of any kind.

Sometimes, the vaccinated often take risks as they figure out how they can deal with situations, like a current situation. If the vaccinated aren’t able to dine at the restaurants; they have an option to dine at home, and rely on delivery services to stabilize their favorite restaurants.

The vaccinated don’t support antivaxxers of any kind.

Travel To Other Places


Antivaxxers usually stay home, and not travel at all.

Antivaxxers have a limited range of going places.

Antivaxxers have a very strict taravel distance that is extremely short.

For antivaxxers, they can’t travel at all.

The Vaccinated:

The vaccinated can go anywhere, but avoid hotspots where infections take place.

Typically, the vaccinated often have a longer range of going places.

The vaccinated are most likely to use public transportation each day.

The vaccinated enjoy more freedom after getting a vaccine to prevent illnesses.

Going To Arcades


Antivaxxers are most likely to be blocked from entering arcades that require vaccines. However; these antivaxxers often circumvent this requirement. Well, these antivaxxers are most likely be stuck at their homes with their game consoles. However; antivaxxers are most likely to be left without any friends at some arcades.

Antivaxxers are most likely to be end up being asked to be vaccinated by arcade staff. However; antivaxxers often refuse.

The Vaccinated:

The vaccinated are most likely to have fun at arcades, and almost have very less restrictions.

Like having more freedom after taking shots, this is common for the vaccinated to have these experiences when enjoying more freedom.

The vaccinated can often make friends at arcades.

They also have an option to play games at home when going to an arcade is impossible.

My Thoughts

My thoughts of being vaccinated and unlocking a gate to freedom, is like switching from attending church on Sundays to going to an arcade to play games, or ride on amusement rides.

My another thought about choosing to be a member of the vaccinated community is like being free to go anywhere, like shopping at stores, dining at restaurants, and even throwing parties.

Like unlocking the gates; you can make choices that are desired. Most importantly, you can really bring back your desired lifestyle.

Being vaccinated enable performers at most theaters to entertain people who are enjoying a show. These spectators who are vaccinated are most likely to enjoy more freedoms.

My Prediction:

What I’ve predicted, on January 7, 2022; antivaxxers will be segregated as the vaccinated enjoy more freedom. If that happens; that will be insane, and that may lead to various issues like riots, and other serious events.

Overview Of My prediction:

The vaccinated are most likely to have these antivaxxers segregated, and here are the following what I’ve predicted when segregation between the vaccinated and antivaxxers:

Designated Dining Facilities

Imagine, you are a vaccinated person, you can enjoy lots of freedom. You can really order food like usual. However; silverware will be the same, and dinnerware will be just like a typical restaurant. Tables will be larger, but you can have more space, so you won’t be stuffed with other people like sardines! Waiters/waitresses will dress up with fancy clothing (not sexualized) with older fashion trends, just like roaring 1920’s! An arcade can be optional, and you get a broad selection.

If you are an antivaxxer, you are most likely to be entering a designated dining facility with designated dinnerware and utensils, and even a way how a set of tables are implemented. You may encounter a glass bulkhead that makes a barrier between the vaccinated and the antivaxxers.

Antivaxxers End Up Locked Down

This is going to be common as antivaxxers try to go places, however… they can’t go anywhere.

The Vaccinated Get More Privileges Than Antivaxxers

The vaccinated will encounter more insentives,–after taking vaccines. However; if people became vaccinated like usual, the antivaxxer groups will shrink… but they will bounce back.

The antivaxxers are most likely to miss out good things.

By Fairy-Rider

Part of Fairies Dreams & Fantasy staff

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